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Frequently Asked Questions

I'm not sure I want someone looking at my paperwork and personal things

I am there to help you, I will always deeply respect your privacy and guarantee confidentiality.  I adhere to the Institute of Professional Organisers (IOPO) Code of Ethics and am happy to sign a confidentiality agreement and provide a police clearance upon request.  

How do you charge?

All bookings are either a half day (3 hours) or full day (6 hours). A large proportion of the consultation will be hands on and results will be deeply satisfying in only one session!.

Are there any additional costs?




Only if you are interested, I carry a small supply of storage and de-cluttering items for purchase, which are charged separately from the prebooked rate.

Do I need to be present for the organising appointment?

Yes, it is preferable that you are present and able to assist during organisation sessions, as it's your belongings we will be sorting through, you need to be the one to make the decisions.  It is part of my job to help coach and educate on behaviors and bring in new thought processes,  I will have questions about what suits you best.


Having said that, there are certain times when I am able to work alone, generally this is if the area is easy to sort and organise, or if we have been working together for awhile, so I have a sense and a know how of how you operate.  I do not throw or donate anything without your permission.


My whole house is a mess and I know I can't afford to have it all organised, what do I do?

If you know you can't afford a lot of paid organising hours, we can do a few appointments to set you up with the basic techniques of how to work through your home, as well as ideas and plans on what to do going forward.

It maybe that we work through one area or room so you learn the mind set, skills and motivation to finish the project yourself.  Then with the possibility of me coming in time to time if you get stuck, need more coaching or want assistance to create motivation to keep moving forward. 

What if I need to cancel or postpone an appointment?

Things happen in life and like you, I like to have notice to be able to re-organise my schedule, so please be thoughtful and give at least 36 hours notice.  Non emergency cancellations or reschedules less than 36 hours may be charged a cancellation fee.

What areas do you service?

I'm based in Perth and service the Perth metropolitan area.  Quarterly I travel to South Australia and service the Adelaide Metropolitan area.  Upon request I also work internationally.   

Is it a problem if my kids or baby is at home with me?

No of course its not a problem, but be aware ,availability and distractions can impede progress if we are not able to focus on tasks for a considerable amount of time.   The more present you are, the more personalised and productive the service will be.  


Why should I hire a Personal / Professional Organiser?

If you find yourself overwhelmed, maybe lack motivation, perhaps don't know where to start or are looking for some control back in your life, having a Professional Organiser in to assist, can help you to get started, move forward through personal blocks, concerns or problems when facing clutter and disorganised spaces. A Professional will have skills and know how to help you move forward in your project.


If you are naturally organised, you probably don't need an Professional Organiser, but having said that, if you are organised and know that things could be better, hiring an Organiser to come in to tweak and share knowledge can take your place to the next level of being functional and organised.



Postal Adddress

PO Box 868

Cottesloe WA Australia 6011



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8.30am - 6.00 pm

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